Is ps4 diablo 3 cross platform
Is ps4 diablo 3 cross platform

Similarly, since Diablo III for console was designed with a controller in mind, the PlayStation version of Diablo III will not support USB mice or keyboards. “In terms of allowing an analog controller hookup for the PC, we don’t have any plans for that kind of support right now. As a result, the characters on your account and PlayStation account will also remain separate.” Well talk about which version of the game is superior, the pros and cons of each pl. The game does support cross-play across its supported platforms, as well as cross-progression too. “While we think cross-platform play would be awesome, there are currently no plans to allow connectivity between PlayStation Network and (this is pretty standard for most games that have PC and console support). In this video were going to compare diablo3 on the switch vs the pc. As folks below have mentioned, you will need to purchase a copy of Diablo IV for each supported platform youd like to play it on.

is ps4 diablo 3 cross platform is ps4 diablo 3 cross platform

This news was shared within the Blizzard forums by the Community Manager Vaeflare who stated that:

is ps4 diablo 3 cross platform

As well as this users were warned that the console version of Diablo III would not support a USB mouse or keyboard. Gamers looking to play the upcoming console version of Diablo III have been forewarned by Blizzard that there will be no function available that will allow for users to play with their PC comrades.

Is ps4 diablo 3 cross platform